Illustration by RESLUS

By: Holly French

After being outed on Netflix earlier this year, the Babadook has made headlines worldwide as the trendiest and spookiest LGBTQ+ icon yet! This October, as a special treat to our readers, we managed to get an exclusive interview with the one and only Babadook for an inside scoop on what makes this eerie entity a sweet success — and we even learned some tricks ourselves to step our Halloween game up to the next level! Now, as they say on the internet, get ready to be Babashook! (Note: We’ve left the Babadook’s first response in Babadookian so readers can appreciate the richness of the language, but all other responses are just translations.)

The Peak: First of all, let me just say what a pleasure it is to have you here today, Mr. Babadook.

The Babadook: Ba, dook, ba ba dook Babadook. Ba ba ba dook dook ba dook.

(Oh, please, just call me Babadook. And the pleasure’s all mine.)

P: Alright, Babadook. Earlier this year, you reached a new level of fame when you came out as gay. How has that been for you?

B: It’s been overwhelmingly wonderful. The fans are so supportive. I was a bit nervous at first, but once I saw myself trending on the Internet, I started feeling really accepted. Like I’m free to be myself now.

P: Aww, that’s so nice to hear. Now, as I’m sure you’re aware, Halloween is coming up real soon. Do you have any special plans this year?

B: I don’t really plan much in advance — I’m more of a spur-of-the-moment kind of guy. But I’m thinking I might haunt a basement or two and terrify some children while I’m at it. You can’t go wrong with the ol’ scary picture book trick!

P: Ha ha, yeah, you got that right! But for those of us who don’t have access to spooky basements or children to terrify, what kind of things would you recommend for some good Halloween fun?

B: Hmmm . . . That’s a tough question. But if I had to think of something, I’d say maybe to go hang out outside the windows of your neighbour’s house and shout “LET ME IN?”

P: Well. . . uhh . . . that sure sounds like an, um, interesting activity. Sooo . . . ummm . . . let’s see . . . Oh! Here’s a question. Do you have your Halloween outfit all planned out?

B: Of course! For starters, I wouldn’t be caught dead without my stylish top hat. After all, what am I, some kind of monster? (laughs)

P: (laughs nervously) Uhhh . . . riiiiiiiiiiight . . . Yeah, I, uh, totally get what you mean. Top hats are great. Anything else?

B: Face paint. Lots of it. Trust me.

P: I . . . see. Well, you’re certainly a very skilled makeup artist. Maybe you should teach a class at SFU sometime.

B: Ooh, I’d love that! Any excuse to be on a college campus I’ll take, to be honest. The food supply here is practically unlimited!

P: You mean because of all the different dining options we have here?

B: No, I mean the amount of depression I get to feed off of here. Especially around midterms. Mmm . . . I can just taste it now . . .

P: Ohhhhh-kay! I think that’s time. Yeah, that’s definitely time. So, uh, thank you for coming in, Mr. Baba — uh, Babadook. Do you have any final words of advice to our readers for having an awesome Halloween?

B: Thank you for having me here, it’s been absolutely fabulous. As for advice . . . Lemme see . . . oh, I got it! Don’t drink and drive, kids!


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