Home Humour Phallic Erections: Seven Penis-Shaped Buildings That Look Just Like Penises!

Phallic Erections: Seven Penis-Shaped Buildings That Look Just Like Penises!


If you’ve ever looked at a building before, you can probably attest to the fact that architecture is pretty weird. Occasionally, whether they mean to or not, an architect will design something that people think looks like something else entirely! Sometimes what people see can be quite rude; the buildings below are prime examples of this. We can’t confirm or deny whether these erections were meant to look so umm, erect or not, but either way that’s how they turned out! So here we go, here are seven of the world’s most questionably phallic-looking structures . . .


Shaigon Tower, Shanghai

I don’t know about you but doesn’t this building looks a little bit like a penis? It might not be the most obvious example but there’s just something about that top part that looks a little odd to me, if you know what I mean.


American Express Plaza, USA

At first glance this might just look like any other building but take a closer look. If you ask me the architect must have at least been a little bit inspired by the male form because it looks like a penis to me!


Tampei Tower, Taiwan

This is another one that probably normally just blends into the background. Stop for a minute though, looks a little like a penis right?


Alberta School Board Building, Canada

This one requires an aerial view before we start to see something a little funny. Those two buildings at the bottom right kind of give a rather rude illusion, wouldn’t you say? Maybe I just have a dirty mind, but it looks like a penis to me.


Pisa Tower B, Italy

Of course we all know the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s reputation . . . it looks a lot like a slanted tower, but what about that new building that was built behind it last year? A little penisy maybe? I think so at least.


Washington Monument, USA

Personally I don’t see this one, but everyone tells me it looks like a penis. I guess I can kinda see it, maybe near the base, but if you ask me it’s a pretty big stretch to make.


Sydney Opera House, Australia

Finally, an obvious one! When I first saw it, I thought I was looking at my own genitals in the mirror! Seriously, I can’t believe they let them build something that looked so obviously like a penis!


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