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Final Analysis Paper: The Lorax

The 11:58 essay

PHOTO: Kulik Stepan / Pexels

By: Gabriel Kitsos, SFU student

Bryan Smith
English 110
Prof. thomas murphy

Final Analysis Paper: The Lorax

It goes without saying that for my historical literature analysis I have chosen to write about The Lorax. Basically, my thesis is that The Lorax was a massive bummer and the commodity over the people who needed the oxigen (Supply chane). From reading the book I’ve learned a lot about my own life and flaws and never to judge a book by its cover. From watching the movie (start to finish btw) I learned that taylor swift also voice acts. I personally enjoy listen to rap but taylor swift has peaked my interest since reading The lorax. And I may include her in my gym playlist. The book was Originally published: June 23, 1971 which is actually 5 days before Elon Musk’s birthday who once said “I am late to the party but I am a supporter of Bitcoin.”. From using the equation ((birthday year)-(Current year)=(how many years old something is)) which makes the book 43 years old this summer!

At the end of the day the inflation in the book was seriously not good because the commodification of oxygen made it really tough for people. The merriam-webster dictionary defines oxygen as a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except some noble gases, that is active in physiological processes of almost all known organisms, and that is involved especially in combustion” This is bad because as Dr. Seuss says in the book, “No one can sing who has smog in his throat.Its mostly Gross Domestic Product in this marginal analysis and its a dog ate dog world. In a nutshell this was really bad but its really true, but in conclution I have learned a lot while also growing. All in all I learned there’s no i in “ “TEAM” furthermore, to put it all together this book has shaped me into the man I am today. great book! THANK YOU

 Works Cited

The Lorax
The dictionary
Top 7 economics phrases you need to know

P.s I know I didn’t write the proper word count but I really need this W credit so as the saying goes I am willing to scratch your back if you can give me a passing grade.


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