Home Features The summer student’s survival guide

The summer student’s survival guide

How to make the most of your summer semester


By: Jessica Pickering, Courtney Miller, Alex Bloom, Matthew Fong, Cecile Favron, and Nathan Ross

Let’s face it: nobody wants to be in class during a beautiful summer day, but some of us have to be. Not to worry, there’s still a way to celebrate your summer while being in school. The Peak got together and wrote out their tops tips for making the most of summer semester.


Between-Classes Siesta

Yes, a nap between classes. Lots of warm locales encourage afternoon naps. With the sun high in the sky, a mere spackling of clouds against breezy blue, what could be better than closing your eyes? You can stop at the liquor store at Cornerstone and buy a refreshing cooler, or stop elsewhere for something non-alcoholic.

If you aren’t allergic to grass, find a nice and clean six-foot-square slice of green and lay out a jacket or blanket. Sip your drink. Settle on the ground. Sleep. You’ve earned it.

If you are allergic to grass, go to the roof above the transportation centre. No grass, just non-problematic, pollen-free rocks. There are usually chairs hanging out up there. Drag one over to the edge facing Vancouver. Take a seat, prop your feet up on the concrete edge, and let the view act as a lullaby. Take sips as desired. Cheers, to a summer well-spent.



Try Playing Paintball

Paintball can be a fantastic stress reliever. Plus, this summer we should be blessed with some gorgeous weather in which to play it. Whether you are taking classes, working, or both this semester, you should have time to try it. All you need is one day. It does truly take all day, though, as it is quite a journey to any paintball place.

Warning: it does hurt to get hit, so be aware of your pain tolerance before you play. It is well worth the risk of pain; it’s an intensely physical game involving tactics and skill. If you are a fan of Call of Duty, however, you may be disappointed by the inaccuracy of paintball markers (the guns), which lob rather than shoot paintballs. I recommend North Shore Paintball where rental and 200 paintballs costs around $50, go on half-price Thursday for $15 off admission if you can. While not a cheap game to try, it is worth playing at least once.



Catch Up on the Essentials

Sleep, eat, and poop. That’s what I usually do.



Spend Time on the Farm

Student life is not exactly defined by copious amounts of time out in the fresh air and healthy foods, but why not take a break from your cooped-up study routine and all-nighter snack choices this semester. There is no better time than summer to seek out fresh produce at the farmer’s market or line up a self-tour of a local farm.

The good news is, you don’t have to venture far either! There are lots of family farms and markets in the area, including the Langley, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, and the North Shore. The commute is worth it for a bit of the country in the city.



Study at the Beach

It can be hard to set aside time for fun things when school stress starts getting to you, so why not combine what you have to do with what you want to do? Taking your textbooks to the beach allows you to get some much needed studying done.

The best part is, if you ever need a study break you can just put the books down and you’re in the perfect place to relax. Heck, even if you don’t end up actually studying, taking your school stuff along can help resolve any feelings of guilt you may have about procrastinating.



Get Out and Soak Up the Sun Somewhere Besides Simon Fraser University (Especially If You Live on the Mountain)

SFU is a dreary place in the fall and spring semesters, thanks to its brutalist architecture and Vancouver’s miserable weather. Thankfully in the summer . . . SFU still has brutalist architecture. Don’t be fooled into thinking that spending too much time on the mountain is good for you.

Sure, there are nice parts and that fresh mountain air, but you need to take a significant amount of time away from being a student, lest you burn out. Get off, go hiking, get down to the beach. Heck, even wandering through the walkways around Burnaby Mountain is a good start.



Day Drink in Class*

Mike’s Hard in a coffee cup. ‘Nuff said.


*Note: The Peak does not endorse drinking in classes, but do what you want, it’s your tuition money.


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