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SFU Replies



I’m concerned about my class with Dr. Olle. A geography course based entirely on digging is odd. Is this standard? Also, where is Dr. Tran?

Also, and I’m not complaining about this, but I’m wondering if we’ll be able to leave the campus soon. The rations aren’t enough, and several students are worried about illness. . .


Alice Rook


Hi Alice,

This isn’t the best place to talk about specific course or professor location problems. But I do want to calm your nerves — every class has taken on a mandatory digging segment, its intensity is being left up to the discretion of each professor. I assume that Michelle was just especially interested in digging, her being a geography professor and all.

Don’t worry about calling professors by their first names, by the way. We are all comrades under SFU, as was voted upon by the SFU Voting Committee last week. Just look to the flags: “Comrades engaged under SFU, we have got our digging to do!” They’ve always been there.

Concerning your concerns concerning the rations, I assure you that more will come, come delivery day! Just last week, delivery day was a Tuesday; perhaps this Tuesday we will be just as lucky. Provided we aren’t cheated again by those UBC rascals. Those cheats! This week, perhaps, the shipment will stop by an SFU campus first.

We’ll all be able to leave soon, comrade! Our families are waiting for us, and they love us dearly. I miss my family as well, though I recognize the magnitude of our work. Who knows what glorious riches lie in the innermost depths of Burnaby mountain?

We do, Alice! And you will too, in due time, if you stay the course, and don’t question your course, of course! Look to Comrade Michelle, who goes above and beyond her digging pedagogy duty.

Look to the stars, SFU, and keep your shovel in the mountain!


Victor Von Doom

Director of Comrade Relations,

President of Voting Committee


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