Home Opinions More trick and less treat this Halloween

More trick and less treat this Halloween


A special October night is upon us. No other occasion is as peculiar as it is intriguing. As we embrace the horror, adults play dress-up while children are encouraged to speak to strangers. “Trick or treat!” is Halloween’s catchphrase. In costume, one is asked to choose between doling out either a trick or a treat. Strangely, the norm is to choose the latter, even though the former is more entertaining.

It seems that the ‘trick’ element of this ritual is not even considered. In the unhealthy amount of time I’ve thought about this subject, the scarcity of tricks compared to treats is a downright tragedy. There sits a well filled with untapped possibility. The concept of ‘more trick, less treat’ could potentially make Halloween even more intriguing than it already is.

During the customary tradition of collecting candy, the trick is usually an idle threat in that it assumedly involves some kind of mischief. Though if the ‘more trick, less treat’ concept was adopted, senses would be heightened. Those opening their doors to kids will be as tense and curious as they are generous. What sort of pranks do they have in store?

That tension would contribute to the atmosphere that already defines Halloween; that is, excitement with a bit of fear in the mix. Tricks also shouldn’t be limited to little children. If every person collecting candy on horror’s anniversary participated in the mischief, Halloween would become even more exciting.

Apart from buying costumes and candy, to think of ideas for tricks creates a whole new space for creativity.

Interactivity is vastly underestimated on October 31. To put more emphasis on creating and performing tricks increases the opportunity for socialization. Apart from buying costumes and candy, to think of ideas for tricks creates a whole new space for creativity. One has the chance to brainstorm tricks that are unique in order to impress both friends and candy-givers.

As individuals don their costumes for the night, the ‘more trick, less treat’ concept means that strangers have the opportunity to break the ice with each other and show off their respective ‘tricks.’ A moment could be created between strangers in the attempt to trick one another.

Apart from the fun and mischief, there is a moral importance of placing a higher value on tricks over treats during Halloween. Children would not be handed candy just because they ask for it, and therefore a sense of entitlement would be removed. Halloween does not strictly become about the rewards of candy.

In the end, there would be an appreciation for the entire process of creation and execution. In a world where celebration is vast and diverse, Halloween is unique. The idea of ‘more trick, less treat’ maintains the major element that makes Halloween stand out: horror. While candy tastes great, let us all embrace our inner tricksters and produce a night of fear and fun.


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