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Home Humour Last-minute Father’s Day gifts to help perpetuate hyper-masculinity

Last-minute Father’s Day gifts to help perpetuate hyper-masculinity


Father’s Day is just around the corner, and you still haven’t bought dad a present? Here are a few gift ideas to help make the day extra special for your manliest of old men.

  • A pair of tickets to see his favourite sports team
  • Motor oil for his car
  • Two pairs of whisky stones (one for home, one for the office)
  • A new set of tongs for the barbecue
  • A six-pack of generic domestic beer
  • The complete James Bond series on Blu-ray
  • A new golf shirt
  • Twelve-month subscription to Playboy
  • A big juicy, raw steak
  • A new mug that says “World’s Manliest Dad”
  • An old-timey straight razor for shaving
  • A set of ear plugs to drown out those darn kids
  • A new tool belt
  • A new set of tools
  • A new set of power tools
  • A gift card for Home Hardware so he can buy his own tools
  • Novelty plastic balls to hang from the back of his truck


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