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SFU Acronyms Explained


Here’s the meanings behind a couple of SFU’s most frequently used acronyms.


Shorthand for “at Quiznos,” most commonly used in text messages followed by the exact amount that was spent.

“Hey man, you in class now or where are you?”

“AQ 5049”

“K, see you later then”


Stands for “so I ate tacos” or occasionally “School of Interactive Arts & Technology”

“So what program is it that you’re in again?”


“You’re really just going to change the topic, just like that?”

“No, I mean SIAT as in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology”

“Oh, well you should’ve just said so, don’t you realize how confusing that is?”

“Sorry, I got to go to class”

“Okay, where are we meeting later?”


“Sure, no confusion there”


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