Home Humour Say what you will, but I don’t believe in free speech

Say what you will, but I don’t believe in free speech


Feel free to disagree with me on this, but I don’t think that people should be allowed to express themselves freely on any topic. This isn’t to say that I believe that no one has a right to speak their mind; it’s just my personal feeling that any idiot shouldn’t be automatically given the right to spew their ignorant and ill-conceived thoughts just because it’s their “opinion.”

Now, I may not be the most informed or intelligent person in the world, and my views may not be very well “conceived,” but I strongly believe that freedom of speech is total bullshit. Again, say whatever you want, this is simply what I believe and I think I should be allowed to express it without fear of being chastised.

Of course, I understand that this may not be the most popular stance to take on this issue but after listening to many different viewpoints it just seemed, to me at least, that disallowing free speech is the most logical conclusion.

Everyone on the pro-free speech side of the argument always just says “that’s the way it is,” or that it’s an “inalienable right,” and refuse to allow people like me to have a chance to have their voices heard. All I’m trying to do is open up a dialogue about removing our free speech laws. Truthfully, I just want there to be a conversation about this topic so that those of us against free speech finally have a chance to safely express our opinions.

People like me, who don’t believe in free expression, have been overlooked in our country for far too long. You’d never see this kind of mistreatment in societies with limited freedoms. In North Korea the voice of every single person is accounted for, and they are all saying, “don’t let me speak,” which I think is the way things should be.

Honestly, why should I be ignored just because I’m against free speaking rights? So, just because I think that only the most powerful members of society should have a right to express their thoughts, somehow I’m not worthy to speak out for my cause?

Quite simply, free speech has never done anything good for anyone, at any time, throughout the entire course of human history. But hey, that’s just my two cents! By all means I invite anyone who disagrees to definitely let me know what they think. I don’t want to force my views on anyone; I just don’t believe that people should have the right to give their opinion. Tell me, is that really so hard to understand?

So, please let your voices be heard, because the only way that we will ever eliminate free speech is if we are all given a chance to express our thoughts.


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