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What Grinds Our Gears: Monopoly

You’re telling me people play this for fun?

PHOTO: Aedrian Salazar / Unsplash

By: Emilia Kuznetsova, SFU Student

Monopoly sucks. It takes hours to play. Technically, the average game duration is about 45 minutes under standard rules, but it feels longer — and it’s completely about luck.

If you’re the person who lands on Baltic Avenue, it’s a long shot that your wildest dreams will come true and you’ll land on Boardwalk and be able to buy all of those properties. And if someone else is lucky enough to land there and buy the property? You basically have no chance at winning.

And then there’s the money: just when you’ve managed to save up enough to buy a property, you land on income tax and lose it all. You can’t do anything about that. Yes, Monopoly is designed to be unfair. I guess it is good training for life.


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