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The Bright-er Side: SFU Burnaby in autumn

These colder months aren’t so bad!

PHOTO: Marshall Henderson / The Peak

By: Yasmin Hassan, Staff Writer

While many associate the colder months with seasonal depression, I couldn’t be happier about the dark and gloomy weather. I relish spending days indoors, in the many nooks and crannies of campus, in a knit sweater and warm boots, or drinking something hot to keep me warm. I even appreciate my commutes to SFU during this season!

I think fall being the harvest season is one of my favourite reasons for enjoying time at school. Having cinnamon and pumpkin flavoured treats and drinks makes studying for the most boring subjects just a little more bearable. My personal favourite would be Renaissance Cafe’s chai latte; it warms every inch of my body. 

Although the weather forces most people indoors, I love seeing the campus covered in fog, with grey misty skies, because it reminds me of a scene from Silent Hill. I think the majority of people enjoy hot sunny weather, but layering in colder weather just makes sense. The age-old proposition: you can’t just rip layers of skin off when you’re melting in 30 degree weather! And it’s true! So, don’t feel too gloomy even though the weather may convince you to. Throw on your favourite sweater, comfy boots, even a scarf, make or buy something hot, get yourself a sweet treat, and enjoy the transitional season in all its glory! 


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