Home Multimedia 20 Things I Wish I Learned Before My 20’s

20 Things I Wish I Learned Before My 20’s

The Peak Presents: 20 Things I Wish I Learned Before My 20's [CLOSED CAPTIONS AVAILABLE] THE LIST: 0:57 - Bonus Fact! We are constantly learning. 1:21 - 1. Love is real. 1:55 - 2. You can find the same fulfillment in platonic relationships that you're looking for in romantic ones. 2:46 - 3. Online dating is not for everyone. 3:41 - 4. It's okay to go on dates and realize what you don't want. 4:18 - 5. Don't hold on to friendships that feel one-sided or are no longer fulfilling. 5:00 - 6. It is not your job to account for people's emotions or reactions when you are truthful to yourself and you do what's right for you. 5:30 - 7. Get behind your own ideas! 6:11 - 8. "No" is a full sentence. 6:37 - 9. The body knows before the brain does. 7:06 - 10. Learn to find comfort in being alone. 7:33 - 11. Sometimes you need to live through a failing / failed experience to know that it would have failed. 8:44 - 12. You're allowed to change your mind. 9:05 - 13. Some people just aren't worth your energy. 9:24 - 14. By dating, both you and other people are consenting to the possibility that things might not work out. 10:01 - 15. Communicate to someone, otherwise, it's just gossip. 10:36 - 16. Sometimes it's okay to adopt a "let them" mentality. 11:48 - 17. Find ways to exercise that you enjoy! 12:25 - 18. Write everything down!!! 13:19 - 19. Real people will never make you question whether or not you matter to them. 14:14 - 20. Keep the peace, but take no BS! Credits: Featuring: @EmmaCiprianMedia Music: "Fender Bender" from YouTube Audio Library. Edited by @quinnmasselink8321 and @EmmaCiprianMedia Produced by The Peak's Multimedia Team



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