Home News Board Shorts: January 22

Board Shorts: January 22

Referendum question to increase SFPIRG semesterly member fee set for SFSS Spring 2020 General Elections

Image: Irene Lo

Written by: Michelle Gomez, Assistant News Editor

Motion passed to increase SFPIRG member fee

The Board passed a motion to include a referendum in the Spring 2020 elections about increasing the semesterly member fee for the Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG). The referendum proposes to increase the student fee from $3.00 to $5.50 per semester for students taking more than three credits, and from $1.50 to $2.75 per semester for students taking three credits or less. 

SFPIRG presented on the matter at last week’s Board meeting. The Board passed the motion without further discussion. 

Munchie Mondays and Tuesday Treats

The motion was passed to approve $1,800 for Munchie Mondays and Tuesday Treats. Jessica Nguyen, VP Student Life, explained that alternating between Mondays and Tuesdays would allow the SFSS to reach more students. 

The food distribution event will occur six times throughout the semester, totalling to $300 per event. Nguyen noted that their goal is to hit 300 students per event. Additionally, instead of tabling in front of the SFSS offices, Nguyen proposed that SFSS members use a cart that they can push around campus to distribute snacks.

“That way we can hit different students around campus and not just students that are around that area and know about it.” 

She explained that the Board members can use this as an opportunity to “talk to students, engage with them, as well as promote upcoming events.” 

President, Giovanni HoSang, brought forward the amendment to the motion to remove March 3 from the list of dates “due to the fact that it coincides with the first week of campaigning” for the next election.  

HoSang’s amendment was not carried. The original motion was carried. 

Young Women in Business Club’s International Women’s Day Gala

The SFSS has passed the motion to approve $1,500 towards the venue fees for the Young Women in Business (YWiB) Club’s International Women’s Day Gala. 

They collaborated on the same event last year, but did not provide money for the event’s venue fees. 

Education Representative Emerly Liu noted that this is separate from the money they will be provided for the trophies and prizes. 

Health Sciences Representative Osob Mohammed noted during the discussion that she did not have enough time to consider the motion, as the document had only been sent out after the Board meeting had started. 

Representatives Shina Kaur, Fiona Li, and Osob Mohammed abstained from voting. 

Build SFU General Manager to work remotely 

Executive Director Sylvia Ceacero announced that Marc Fontaine, Build SFU General Manager, has moved to Calgary. She explained that Fontaine is still working for the SFSS remotely, and will come to the office “once every six weeks or so.”

Ceacero noted that while Fontaine will continue working on the Student Union Building portfolio, “[she] will be doing a small restructuring of the office at the management level.”

Campus Vibe’s bankruptcy affects SFSS investments 

Ceacero explained that Campus Vibe “was selected out of three potential vendors in 2017 as a student engagement platform. 

“Since we got this announcement, which came late December 2019 while we were all on holidays, we’ve been looking at other potential platforms that we could use.” 

When asked how much Campus Vibe cost the SFSS, Ceacero noted that “so far we have invested about $37,000, and we could potentially get $7,000 back.” 


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