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Board Shorts

Notes from the August 10 emergency board meeting

Irene Lo / The Peak

Written by: Zach Siddiqui, Copy Editor


The board approved an agreement with the Alma Mater Society (AMS) of UBC regarding the Welcome Back BBQ

Many details of the SFSS-AMS partner event were elucidated through this agreement. SFU students are set to pay $37.50 per ticket, compared to the $35 that UBC students pay and the $50 that non-UBC students pay, according to vice-president student life Tawanda Masawi. Masawi hopes to be able to roll out ticket sales starting this week.

Masawi stated that he is “looking into” the idea of organizing transit vehicles to transport students.

“This is not a replacement for Fall Kickoff,” noted Masawi. The vice-president aims to use the student life budget towards “a bunch of other events on campus.”


The board approved extending the lease agreement of StudentCare

StudentCare, the body on campus responsible for disseminating health and dental care services to students, was set to have their sublease in Maggie Benston Centre terminated on August 31. The SFSS has confirmed that StudentCare will continue to manage health and dental care on campus, and the student union building (SUB) is not yet complete and so cannot serve as a space for them. Therefore, StudentCare’s current sublease is to be extended monthly, until such time as they can move into the SUB.


The board approved the movement of $10,000 to the SFSS emergency aid fund

The SFSS emergency aid fund is in place for “students in significant need, if something happens to them,” according to CEO Martin Wyant. Contributions from the student society are matched by the provincial government; for the 2017–18 year, the SFSS is expected to provide $10,000 no later than August 31, 2018, while the government of BC will contribute $9,982.


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