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Board Shorts

Notes from the latest SFSS Board of Directors meeting

Irene Lo / The Peak

By: Aaron Richardson

Board passes bid to sell advertising space

The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) has approved a deal with Rouge Media Group to sell electronic media space on campus. As part of the deal proposed by the marketing company, two vinyl murals will be installed in the Rotunda in addition to a potential charging station at the location and in an SFSS conference room in Maggie Benston Centre.

“It is a good opportunity to secure some revenue without a lot of commitment on our part,” said Chief Executive Officer Martin Wyant at the SFSS Board of Directors meeting on November 10. The SFSS will receive rental revenue for the spaces.

The SFSS does not currently have any other deal with an advertising company and the deal will also allow them to display some of their own advertisements in the spaces.

If the agreement is signed by November 15, the company has offered a $10,000 signing bonus to the student society. The projected annual revenue for the SFSS is $2,500 to $3,500 at each of the murals and $1,500 to $2,000 for the charging stations.  

In the future, it is possible to expand with more charging stations in other locations “if we think there is a good high traffic area where it would make sense,” noted Wyant.

Society approves temporarily withdrawal of money for Student Union Building

The board has approved a motion giving authorization to the Chief Executive Officer Martin Wyant and Build SFU General Manager Marc Fontaine to borrow money from the Build SFU Fund for building costs any time between November 2017 to December 2018.

Throughout the construction of the Student Union Building (SUB), the SFSS pays its monthly operating costs to the university, but the society is not able to borrow an amount less than $1 million per month according to its $44.3 million loan agreement with Scotiabank.

This occasionally requires the SFSS to borrow the amount from its internal account — the Build SFU Fund. When money is borrowed from the fund, it will be repaid within 60 days.

The Build SFU Fund is an account used by the SFSS to pay for operating costs and any unexpected costs associated with the project that may arise. The pre-authorization from the board of such payments was due to the short time-frame for payment on the invoices the society receives.

SFSS plans end-of-semester events

The SFSS approved money for a number of events on campus at the end of the semester. A carnival on November 23–24 will be taking place along the North Academic Quadrangle hallway.

SFSS has partnered with the SFU Women’s Centre, Out on Campus, Hi-Five for the event. These organizations, along with Puppy Therapy by SFU health and counselling, will offer students a break from studying, and a good way to relieve stress.

A dodgeball tournament where students can form teams will be held on December 4.

With a date sometime in the last two weeks of classes, a holiday celebration where students can take pictures with Santa and get food will be the last event hosted by the SFSS this semester.

University gains permanent ombudsperson

An update was received that Laura Reid, the current interim ombudsperson, has officially taken over the position in a permanent role. The ombudsperson office is supported by the university, the Graduate Student Society, and the SFSS which provides the office space.


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