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RGENTINA – Women marching against violence

Tens of thousands of women held a demonstration on October 19, marching in the streets of Buenos Aires to protest violence against women. The event was organized under the #NiUnaMenos movement (“Not one less,” meaning no more women lost to domestic violence), after the rape and death 16-year-old Lucía Pérez. The country passed a law specifically punishing “femicides” and other crimes targeting women four years ago. However, according to a national government organization that supports survivors of violence against women, every 30 hours a woman is killed in these crimes in Argentina.

With files from The Guardian

FRANCE – French government starting to demolish the migrant camp in Calais

The French government has started to dismantle the “jungle” of Calais, in northern France, where a reported 6,400 migrants currently live. The authorities were given one week to send migrants to centres all over the country by bus, where they might claim asylum. Many national government organizations oppose the operation, arguing that the authorities will not be able to ensure migrants’ security and that children could be harmed by police’s tear gas. Moreover, they contend that demolishing the “jungle” will not prevent migrants who want to reach the UK from getting there, or building other camps.

With files from Le Monde & The Guardian

VENEZUELA – Pope Francis calls for a dialogue between the president and the opposition

The Venezuelan National Assembly seemed to be heading towards a recall referendum on President Maduro, successor of the late Hugo Chavez. However, this effort was stopped by the National Electoral Council. Henrique Capriles, leader of the opposition, immediately called this move “a coup d’état.” Maduro met with Pope Francis, who called for a dialogue with the opposition to improve the well-being of the population. Venezuela has faced a dramatic economic collapse due to the sharp fall in oil prices and residents have suffered food and medicine shortages. The International Monetary Fund has projected an inflation rate of 1,660 percent in Venezuela in 2017.

With files from CNN


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