Home Arts Having the time of your life

Having the time of your life

Christopher Tierney (Johnny), and Jenny Winton (Penny) star in Dirty Dancing.

The highly romantic story of Johnny and Baby falling in love through dance has captivated audiences since Dirty Dancing’s release in 1987. Fans of the film were clamoring to relive that magic at the opening night of the Dirty Dancing stage show at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. There were hoots and hollers as soon as the iconic music filled the theatre, before any of the cast members even graced the stage, and the nostalgia was palpable.

Set in 1963 at Kellerman’s, a wholesome family resort in the Catskills, the story idealizes the era and is an unrealistic yet gratifying story of young love and standing up for others no matter the cost. The costumes were bright and colourful and suited the era well, and the set was versatile with moving screens and video projections that set the scene. The band was positioned on a platform upstage behind a shuttered screen, and although the screen was opened at some points, the band seemed like a hidden afterthought.    

Of course the dancing in this show better be superb, and it lived up to expectations wonderfully. Penny Johnson (Jenny Winton), Johnny’s dance partner, was stunning, as were the other couples performing along with them. But the best scenes were between Baby and Johnny, and the audience showed no shame in cheering them on when things got steamy. The two leads, Gillian Abbott and Christopher Tierney, had brilliant chemistry, and the excitement builds as they rehearse for their big dance number.   

This was one of the liveliest audiences I’ve experienced in Vancouver, and they were very invested in the show. When Johnny asked Baby “Want to hear something crazy?” one eager audience member shouted “yeah!” But perhaps the most popular moment was Johnny running down the aisle of the theatre and jumping on stage to take Baby out of a corner and dance with her for the finale of Kellerman’s end of season show.

The power of dance and of the conviction to act on your beliefs makes this an inspiring story that leaves you wanting to dance and have the time of your life.


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