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University Briefs

Female students at UBC (from left to right): Jessica Horner (Electrical & Computer Engineering), Sareena Mohammad (Geological Engineering), Kate Burnham (GEO), Meagan Fabel (First Year), Paula Morales (EECE), Rhea Sideris (Integrated Engineering). - Photo courtesy of Ubyssey

UBC seeks out more female engineering students

The Faculty of Applied Sciences at UBC is working on increasing enrolment rates of women in engineering programs to 50 per cent.

The faculty aims to achieve this goal by 2020 through creating awareness and increasing supportive learning environments for women. Over two thirds of UBC engineering students are males, and the initiative has been taken to ensure gender balance.

UBC aims to achieve this goal through professional development days with BC teachers as well as student and parent outreach workshops.

With files from Ubyssey

UVic film festival encourages amateur filmmakers 

UVic students Moiz Karim, Tahir Chatur, and Matt Power have launched their very own film festival. The Shoreline Film Festival is meant to provide student filmmakers with a platform to show their work.

A live audience and a panel of judges will be on hand to view the participating 5–10-minute-long films. The festival will host a gala event at the end of March 2016 which will feature live music and dancing, as well as awards for best cinematography, screenplay, and best short film.

With files from The Martlet

Nap rooms for de-stressing at U of C

The University of Calgary students’ union is setting up nap rooms on campus between November 30 and December 4 to emphasize the importance of sleep in overall well-being.

Students can take a nap while soothing music plays in the background. The nap-takers are encouraged not to use their cellphones or any devices like alarm clocks, as volunteers will wake them up.

With files from The Gauntlet


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