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Senate Report


Government Financing

SFU President Andrew Petter announced to the Senate that he made an appearance in front of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services in regards to the cuts made by the Provincial Government to post-secondary education and the 2016 budget.

“I spoke in support of the Research Universities Council BC presentation, which called for a major reinvestment of the $50 million that has been cut by the province over the last three years,” he shared.

Petter also made a case for needs specific to SFU, offering deferred maintenance on Burnaby Campus and plans for Surrey expansion as examples where the university could use some financial support from the government.

He continued, “I want to congratulate both the student groups. Both the Graduate Student Society and the SFSS also made presentations which were very well put together and very powerful in speaking from a student perspective to many of the same needs.”

Renaming School for the Contemporary Arts

SFU’s School for the Contemporary Arts is being renamed the Dena Wosk School for the Contemporary Arts in tribute to the first dean of the school.


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