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Behind the electronic dance music


You won’t be surprised to know that SFU is a cesspool of raw musical talent. These up-and-coming disc jockeys have been spinning this campus out of control with their mad beats. We sat down with three of the best and brightest to find out what it’s really like to walk in the shoes of an SFU DJ.

DJ Sajid || Photo by Brandon Hillier


An SFU student and renowned heartthrob, Sajjid has wowed the crowds of two of SFU’s recent SFSS concerts.

What is the first thing you do in the morning?:

“Honestly, check Twitter and Instagram. I wake up, see my phone on the right side, it’s ready to go.”

When you’re making your beats, what do you tend to start with?:

“Usually the melody, something that will hook people into the song right away. Try to focus on that and just build from there.”

Can you sing a part of one of your favourite tracks?:

“There’s a lot of them… One of my artists, he’s a first year at SFU, and he just came out with a new song called “Analog Dream,” but it’s not something you can really sing. It’s like that electronic sound.”

Can you try?:

“Ok well another song I like is Showtech, “Sun Goes Down,” so *begins singing* When the sun goes down, dun na na na na na, dun na na na na na na na.”

Who would be your celebrity crush and why?:

“Damn, that’s a hard one. Probably Kendall Jenner. She’s the same age, it’s like, ‘Hey, maybe I can date that one day.’”

Do you have a catch phrase?:

“No, don’t think so.”

Do you want a catch phrase?:


DJ Potspin || Photo by Erik Sagmoen


DJ Potspin

When he’s not competing in business speaking competitions, DJ Potspin turns the tables at some of the hottest clubs around.

What is the first thing you do in the morning?:

“Protein shake, obviously. Fifty crunches — I’m building up to 100, but starting off with 50. Of course I have to moisturize my face. If you’ve watched the first scene of American Psycho, it’s pretty much that, but a little more intense I’d say.”

Who would be your celebrity crush and why?:

“Kim Kardashian, no questions asked. Perfect figure, perfect proportions, she’s perfect.”

Describe your ideal Tinder date:

“One swipe. It has to be on the first picture. No more than five sentences before a meet-up. DTF is mandatory. And we’ll go from there.”

On a scale of 1 to Zac Efron, how many chin-ups can you do?:

“Zac Efron plus 5. How many can he do?”

Can you sing a part of one of your favourite tracks?:

“Unce unce. Ba da da da da da, like a series of da-da-da-da-da-da-da DROP boof!”

In high school, did you fit any stereotype?:

“Alpha male douchebag. Can I say douchebag? But a nice guy too. A nice guy version of an alpha male douchebag.”

What advice would you give to up-and-coming DJs?:

“Keep spinnin’. Keep spinnin’. Keep the hope alive. Number one.”


DJ Alfa-Male || Photo by Brandon Hillier


When he’s not working behind the production scenes, DJ Alfa-male takes centre stage with his own set of unique beats.

What is the first thing you do in the morning?:

“Look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that I’m awesome.”

Who would be your celebrity crush and why?:

“That’s a tough one. If I had to I would have to say Selena Gomez. Childhood sweetheart.”

Describe your ideal Tinder date:

“Ideal Tinder date is a girl who loves pizza and beer and who would sit around and watch movies.”

So would that be what you’d do on your first date?:

“Maybe second or third one in. I’d keep it a little classier at first.”

Can you sing a part of one of your favourite tracks?:

“Let’s go with, *begins singing* and I don’t even know how I survive. *stops singing* In case you didn’t get that that was Trevor Guthrie.”

Is there no unce unce in there?:

“Ahh, there’s a little bit of unce unce. There’s always a bit of unce unce.”

Do you have a catch phrase?:

“Yes. ‘It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Rohan.’”


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