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Council commentary


Behavioural neuroscience DSU established

Lukas Grajauskas brought a proposal to council to establish the behavioural neuroscience student society (BNSS) as a departmental student union (DSU). He explained that, currently, behavioural neuroscience is represented by the psychology and biomedical physiology and kinesiology DSUs, but this is problematic because it does not foster a sense of community between behavioural neuroscience students. “I think it’s time for us, as a growing program, to have something more dedicated to students, to give ourselves a voice in the community,” Grajauskas said.

Council voted unanimously in favour of recognizing the BNSS as a DSU and granted it a voting seat on council.

Open textbook campaign update

Arts and social sciences representative Brady Wallace and president Chardaye Bueckert spoke to the open textbook project at council on Wednesday night.

Many DSUs have appointed a departmental curriculum committee representative, and Bueckert and Wallace requested they bring the open textbook issue to the respective curriculum committees and push for the usage of free textbooks. This collaboration was offered as an opportunity to enhance the student experience collaboratively with the board of directors, DSU/FSUs, and the university.


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