Home News Board Shorts

Board Shorts

The old Board made way for the new during orientation at the start of May.

Committee Appointments

With a new SFSS board now in place, the first order of business was to appoint members to the society’s various committees. The new committee chairs and members were ratified at the last board meeting on May 6. However, there were issues in regards to committee appointments arising from the recent restructuring of the board.

The Internal Relations Officer (IRO) position no longer exists, leaving that spot open on several committees. While the President is to assume all responsibilities of the IRO, the President must already sit on every committee.

The other concern is that of the Member Service Officer’s (MSO) committee seats. The MSO position has now been split into that of VP, Student Services and VP, Student Life. The board proposed recommendations as to how the seats should be divided among the two positions, but this matter — as well as that of the IRO vacancies — will be addressed by the executive members at their next meeting.



Studentcare Health and Dental Stakeholders Conference

The board has decided to send both President Chardaye Bueckert and VP, Student Services Zied Masmoudi to an upcoming Studentcare Health and Dental Stakeholders Conference this May 21 to 23. “The SFSS would not be incurring any costs on this trip beyond the per diem,” said Bueckert, the per diem being $35 each.

Moe Kopahi, VP, University Relations attended the conference last year and called it, “a really good opportunity for us to see what Studentcare will provide in the student plan.” He added that the conference is a place for sharing ideas, one example coming out of last year’s event being a Health and Dental Plan smartphone application.


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