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Funding request reaches SFSS exec.

The Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) requested $4,000 from Funding and Grants for their annual Lantern Festival Event, to be held on Feb. 15, $2,000 of which was allotted for prizes, including two iPads and rings from Tiffany’s. Funding and Grants has already contributed $300 for the rehearsal space as well as $170 for audio-visual materials.

The CSSA had originally requested approximately $7,800 for their event. As of Feb. 12, they had only sold 100 tickets — around 30 per cent of the total capacity for the event.

Funding and Grants has approximately $9,000 left in their budget for the remainder of the fiscal year, which ends in three months. Based on this, as well as the fact that Funding and Grants does not usually approve requests exceeding $1,500, it was resolved that the SFSS would give the CSSA $1,500 for location and logistics expenses.


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