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Moe answers not delivered


A response to his previous article “Ask Questions, Get Moe Answers”

By Isaac Louie

Dear Moe,

On the last article you wrote: “If you claim that just because not enough people voted, the election process is somehow flawed, or that the legitimization of the incoming directors should be questioned, then you are directly negating and undermining democracy and the time and effort of those active members of our community that actually voted in the last election.”

Moe, this is exactly what democracy is about — questioning decisions to gain a better understanding of issues. I read Joe’s article as addressing the broader concern of student apathy, and relating your vote score (which you were the first to bring up), does not mean you get to stop listening to these voices of criticism. 23 per cent voter turnout out of 25,000 students equals 5,750 students. Of those who voted, only 1,962 students voted for you, or 34 per cent of all voters in this election. Thus, those votes don’t actually represent the voting majority in this election, as 431 students voted no and the other 3,357 students spoiled the ballot.

I think the main point in all of this dialogue (Facebook comments, Peak articles, and Peak article comments) is that the SFSS executive continues to approach student issues in a top-down approach by telling us students that this society is “yours” and to “take it back.” This communicates a fundamental separation of the Board from the rest of the student body in an “us-versus-them” mentality.

I hope I speak on behalf of most students when I say that this student society is ours and that our voices and concerns need to be heard and acted upon by the executive. We need to be respected by them, as it is your role to serve us students, and not for you to boast about your votes.

Further, the disqualification of Alia Ali goes to show how troubled the state of our student politics is if people can run for board while knowingly ineligible.

I want to let you know that I am a student who has attended Board meetings, SFSS committee meetings, and Forum meetings only to have my concerns fall on deaf ears. SFPIRG is still without a lease from the SFSS, even after the Space and Oversight Committee violated SFSS policy to recommend the termination of the lease without consultation (which has been renewed and re-negotiated every time over the last 30+ years).

A room in the Women’s Centre all-gender space is still mouldy and has posed a health hazard for over two years. In the time since this has been brought to the board’s notice (two years ago), we have seen the creation of a Build SFU space (which is empty most of the time). What message does this send? You were present at the meeting in which the Women’s Centre Collective brought that up, so I ask you now, when is that going to be fixed?

This call for student accountability is nothing new. Remember the Annual General Meeting when the Yoga Club called on the executive board for more transparency and accountability? I do. We need better behaviour from our board and more than kind thanks for our input. We need fortitudinous action.


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