Home Sports Wildcats beat up on the Clan

Wildcats beat up on the Clan


Clan get crushed by Central Washington Wildcats, 51–10

By Bryan Scott

After back-to-back wins in the last two weeks, Simon Fraser’s football team traveled down to Ellensburg, Washington to play the Central Washington Wildcats. Unfortunately, the Clan were unable to keep their streak alive, falling to the Wildcats, 51–10.
Right from the start, this game was not even close. The Wildcats’ defense neutralized the Clan offense for the entire first half. They only converted one third down opportunity all half, and totaled 98 yards. On the other side of the ball, the Wildcats racked up 299 yards in the first half, and scored on their first five possessions (four touchdowns and one field goal), which gave them a 31–0 lead to end the half.

The Clan finally broke the goose egg in the third quarter. After the second-half kickoff the Clan marched down the field. Clan running back Bo Palmer led the way with a 63-yard rush to the Wildcats’ six-yard line. The Clan could not fully capitalize in the red zone. They took a 15-yard pass interference penalty, which forced them to settle for a field goal.
Their defense responded during the Wildcats’ next possession, forcing a three and out. This gave them a great field position after a 22-yard return by receiver Tore Corrado. Quarterback Trey Wheeler tossed up a 44-yard pass on first down, which ended in a Lamar Durant touchdown. The Clan outscored the Wildcats, 10–6 in the third quarter, but it was too little too late. The Wildcats pumped in 14 more points in the fourth quarter to cruise to their fifth win of the season.

Wheeler had one of his worst performances of the season, completing 14 passes on 37 attempts for 146 yards, with one touchdown and one interception. He also lost 14 yards on the ground. Palmer managed 99 yards on 11 carries.

The loss leaves the Clan 2–4 in the conference, and 3–4 overall. They are likely out of playoff contention after this week.


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