Home News Labour update

Labour update


By Graham Cook

Local 3338 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees represents around 1,200 workers, the majority of which are at SFU campuses. It is comprised of seven bargaining units including employees of SFU, CUPW Vancouver, Highland Pub, Higher Grounds, The Ladle, SFSS, the GSS, and SFPIRG.

Following a strike vote that was held from Sept. 25–27, CUPE’s support workers at Simon Fraser University have voted in favour of strike action. The 78 per cent strike mandate was tallied on Sept. 28, and represents union frustration regarding job security, inflation protection, and wages. 72-hour strike notice at the B.C. Labour Board is required before taking job action.


The Teaching Support Staff Union represents Teaching Assistants, Tutor Markers, Sessional Instructors, and Language Instructors at Simon Fraser University. In June of this year the Union held a strike vote and were given a 90 per cent strike mandate by their membership, putting them in the legal position to take job action. The main issues are wages, a centralized job posting system, equality for ELC instructors, improvements for T.A.s and T.M.s, integrating sessional instructors, and improved working environment.

On Sept. 20, the TSSU made the decision to serve strike notice to Simon Fraser University. At 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 27, the Union served 72-hour strike notice to SFU President Andrew Petter’s office. Job action will begin on Monday, Oct. 1, and the first step will be a ban on overtime with further action to follow. This move comes after 26 months at the bargaining table. In a media release, the TSSU’s spokesperson Derek Sahota stated that their goal is a collective agreement rather than a picket line.


– Graham Cook


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