Home Humour Word on the Street: Canada Day

Word on the Street: Canada Day


Q: Gosh, how aboot that Canada Day, eh?


“I spen’it  pah-troling the border. Can’t have any of those dern space-needling fixed-gear-bicycling coffee beaners sneaking up here to take our jobs”

Avery Clements

Shotgun enthusiast


“You really think I’d trust the Canadians? It’s always the quiet ones you need to watch out for.”

Gregory Barnett

Man in tin foil hat


“I celebrated my 366th birthday. Alone. Oh yeah, why pay any attention to Gottfried. It’s not like he ever did anything important, like invent fucking calculus!”

Gottfried Leibnez

Dead math guy


“Oh, I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to ask you how your Canada Day was. How rude of me.”

Shelly Spears

Average Canadian


“His birthday is next we — shit. Sweden! Hey Sweden! You know if the drugstore still open?”


Land of the English

By Gary Lim


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