Home Humour Listless: Alternate SFU Slogans

Listless: Alternate SFU Slogans


By Gary Lim

Now, as those of you who read the inferior sections of this paper might know SFU recently changed their slogans, from “Thinking of the Future“ to “Engaging the World” with the Envision SFU project. What you may not know is that that before “Engaging the World”, the SFU administration came up with several other slogans which will never see the light of day. As they should.

Alternate SFU slogans

  •  Engaging the future
  •  Thinking about engaging
  •  Inter-bridging the present
  •  Comprehending the globe
  •  Understanding the engagement
  •  Instating the not-past
  •  Synergizing the Earth
  •  Initiating the including
  •  Linking the links
  •  Supervising the planet
  •  Reinventing initiation of the  engagement of the future-world
  • Fuck bitches, get money


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