Home News New AD eliminates ticket fees for students

New AD eliminates ticket fees for students


 By Graham Cook

Students will no longer be required to pay to see Clan sporting events

Newly appointed senior director of athletics and recreation Dr. Milton Richards has eliminated fees for SFU students wishing to attend Clan sporting events. Richards spent the last 12 years as the athletic director of California State University (CSU)-Stanislaus where he also implemented a policy that allows students to attend games free of charge.

Upon his hiring in November of last year, an SFU press release quoted him as stating that “Priority number one is to listen. I need to learn what people like about athletics and recreation, and what they expect from us.” In a conversation with The Peak, he said that he has indeed been listening.  Richards shared that he feels that students are very supportive of the athletic program at SFU and that he wants to make it easier for students to come to the games.

However, Richards did state that if and when SFU begins to host playoffs, such as a GNAC or NCAA championship, those games might require a small ticket fee.  As far as where the ticket fees used to go he described the departments financial situation as “all funds budgeting” in which the revenue is put towards ongoing expenses.  He added that he felt it was more important to provide access to the students rather than to worry about that amount of income.

Richards also shared that he has been receiving input from SFSS president Jeff McCann on the possibility of extending or altering gym hours based on what the students want.  He will continue to seek student opinion on the matter, and has looked at opening earlier on Fridays and staying open longer on the weekends.

The athletic director closed by stating that he has been “very impressed with our student body” and that he has enjoyed his first eight weeks at the school.  He believes that this plan is another step in the move to reach out to students to increase their enjoyment of athletics and recreation.


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