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World News Beat

Bite-sized news from around the world


By: Nathaniel Tok

INDIA – Indian capital experiencing extreme smog pollution

New Delhi has been experiencing severe air pollution this past week as the number of toxic microscopic particles in the air reached 75 times what is considered safe by the World Health Organization. The crisis prompted a 20 per cent increase in hospital visits for people suffering from heart and lung issues. The government is taking steps to fight against air pollution by stopping trucks from entering the city and closing schools. Air quality usually falls in colder months as farmers burn fields and residents build street fires for warmth. In recent days, the level of pollution has decreased from ‘severe’ to ‘very poor.’

With files from AP News and Economic Times of India.

ZIMBABWE – Military seizes control over the country

President Robert Mugabe who has held power in Zimbabwe for nearly four decades has been displaced by the military. Army officials said the apparent coup was aimed to stop “criminals” in the president’s inner circle. The 93-year-old ruler is being held by the military who also might be attempting to prevent Mugabe’s 52-year-old wife and successor, Grace, from taking the presidency. The crisis stems from last week when Mugabe fired his vice-president and intended successor.

With files from Reuters and Al Jazeera.

UNITED STATES – Obama not needed for jury duty

Crowds greeted former the US President Barack Obama as he arrived at a Chicago courthouse for jury duty on November 8. The Cook County chief judge Timothy Evans informed reporters Obama was dismissed from duty, though the politician was ready to serve if asked. This is the second time that Obama has been summoned for jury duty, the first time he was still serving as president in 2010. Former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton have also been called to serve on juries in the past, though neither politician was included in the final selections.

With files from AP News.

CHINA – Consumerism smashes record at shopping festival

A Chinese e-commerce giant has recorded record sales of $25.4 billion in product during the world’s largest shopping fair. Alibaba made the haul at Singles’ Day, an annual event in the country. 1.5 billion packages are expected to be delivered to shoppers who took part in the event this week. The sales records even beat out both Cyber Monday and Black Friday in the US combined, with Alibaba exceeding one billion dollars sold after just two minutes.

With files from Reuters.

WORLD – This year set to rise to the top of temperature records

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has released preliminary figures stating the 2017 is “very likely” to be one of the three hottest years on record. The WMO says that “the average global temperature is 1.1 degrees Celsius above” the pre-industrial revolution temperature. This follows another report last week stating that atmospheric CO2 levels are at their highest recorded levels. The organization’s Secretary-General Petteri Taalas believes that the temperature increase is contributing to the extreme weather events such as hurricanes, monsoons, and droughts seen this year.

With files from BBC News.


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