Home News SFU students say “Yes We Chen,” vote Larissa as SFSS President

SFU students say “Yes We Chen,” vote Larissa as SFSS President

Larissa Chen (right) is congratulated by Deepak Sharma upon learning that she won the SFSS byelection.

Larissa Chen will serve as the Simon Fraser Student Society president for the rest of the 20162017 term.

The former VP Student Services was thrust into the role on an interim basis when Deepak Sharma resigned, and managed both roles until her own resignation before the byelection. From here on out, she’ll serve as Chair of the Board of Directors, winning by a landslide over her two runningmates.

Chen secured 55.8 percent of the vote, ahead of second place Darien Lechner (25.9 percent) and third place Sharma (18.3 percent) who failed in his attempt to reclaim the presidency. A total of 1,574 students cast a vote for president in the byelection. 

“The past few weeks have been overwhelming with support and so much interaction with people,” she said. “It was kind of interesting stepping away from board and to see the real world outside of board.

“I’m just so happy, I’m so lucky.”

She’ll only have a few hours to celebrate, as the next board meeting takes place at 2:30 pm today.


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