Home Arts Theatresports goes medieval with parody improv show Throne and Games

Theatresports goes medieval with parody improv show Throne and Games

Photo courtesy of Vancouver Theatresports League.
Photo courtesy of Vancouver Theatresports League.
Photo courtesy of Vancouver Theatresports League.

It seems like I’m one of the few who is not watching Game of Thrones, but for everyone who is a fan of the hugely popular show, Theatresports has created an improvised parody show that puts its characters into some hilarious scenarios, all with the help of audience suggestions. Cleverly titled Throne and Games, the show features three families battling for what they feel is their rightful place on the Throne of Games.

Hosted by Petyr Baelish (Graeme Duffy), bloody battles were fought as the families took turns striving for glory. The Targaryens’ rivalry with the Lannisters came to a head as Daenerys Targaryen (Denise Jones) and Cersei Lannister (Lauren McGibbon) went one-on-one with the help of an audience member who was controlling their movements.

The characters were put through many creative scenarios that tested their ability to think quickly, and the audience rewarded them with cheers when they managed to also incorporate clever references to the show. Jon Snow (Michael Teigen) is hilarious as a blunt taxi driver, and Cersei and her father Tywin (Pearce Visser) are forced to speak as one voice while subtly guiding each other as they go. Some of the scenes dragged on a bit too long, but apart from a few minor breaks in their straight faces, the players all kept in character very well throughout their challenges.

Daenerys and Drogo (Allen Morrison) were all over each other, and the audience loved Drogo’s monotone, blank-faced, caveman-like demeanour. Jon Snow’s vocabulary was not much sharper, as he answered “I am Jon Snow” to almost every question.

Jon’s sidekick Samwell Tarly (Nathan Clark) was perfectly dimwitted and naïve, and the two made a charming pair. Snow was a hit with the audience during a segment where they were encouraged to shout “You know nothing, Jon Snow!” to interrupt the scene and then ask Jon any question they liked. Some that the audience came up with included, “Why is the sky blue?” to which he replied, “Because if it were green, you wouldn’t know when to stop mowing,” and “How do you cook a turkey?” which he answered by suggesting they simply go to KFC.

The Throne of Games, apparently made from forty thousand swords (more like forty, as Baelish pointed out), sits empty, and only one family can claim it. With shocking betrayals and alliances, savage death, and unlikely contexts, Throne and Games is a wonderfully creative improvised parody that will have you laughing even if you have no idea who ‘Khaleesi’ is.

Throne and Games is presented by Theatresports April 9 — Aug 1 at The Improv Centre on Granville Island. For more information, visit vtsl.com.


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